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H1B – IT Specialist

We submitted an amended H-1B application on behalf of an IT specialist for a global company. This case was extremely complicated, and involved a mistake made on the part of a previous attorney who miscalculated the H eligibility time left for an Indian national. This mistake caused both the individual and the company great distress as they were under the impression he was out of H time and his PERM had not yet been filed, meaning he would have to return to India. After a careful review of his entire immigration history and all travel, we discovered he in fact had another five years of H time left, and had reset his six year clock twice in the last ten years!

The previous attorney completely missed this and almost cost him his ability to continue to work in the United States. The amended petition was approved and the individual now works for the company with the proper validity period he is entitled to. We now can start the PERM process for this company stress free!

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