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ICE Putting Immigrants at Risk in South Florida Facilities

Best Immigration Lawyer in Miami

Hiring the Best Immigration Lawyer in Miami

Despite clear guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are putting immigrant detainees at risk by their practices inside detention facilities across the United States. A lawsuit filed on April 13, 2020, is asking that detainees in three detention centers in South Florida be released. A coalition that includes the Legal Aid Service of Broward County, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the immigration law clinic of the University of Miami and the New York Rapid Defense Network cites the practice of cohorting as a significant risk factor for immigrants in these detention facilities.

What Is Cohorting?

Cohorting is the practice of placing those who are currently showing symptoms of COVID-19 or who have been exposed to the virus in groups together and away from those who do not show symptoms and have not apparently been exposed. This practice is in opposition to CDC recommendations, which state that individuals who have been exposed or who show signs of the virus should be placed in separate medical isolation units with their own bathrooms and housing space. Currently, ICE is holding all individuals suspected of having COVID-19 symptoms and those with known exposures to the virus in communal facilities that are shared by hundreds of people. For many of these individuals, contacting a Miami immigration lawyer is the best first step toward holding ICE accountable and ensuring their safe release during this difficult time.

Legal Help for Endangered Detainees

For those with loved ones in these facilities, the lawsuit offers some hope for an early release and added protection against the coronavirus for detained family members and friends. Working with a qualified Miami immigration lawyer is a solid step in the right direction for many families seeking help to navigate the immigration system during this difficult time. Finding the best immigration lawyer in Miami is a good first step toward resolving issues with ICE and other federal agencies and ensuring the best outcomes for you and your family in our area.

At Pozo Goldstein, we are still serving our clients with the most practical solutions for their immigration needs. If you or any member of your family needs the help of an immigration lawyer in Miami, we can provide you with a consultation by telephone or by Skype during the COVID-19 crisis. Give us a call today at 305-856-0400 to schedule an appointment with us. Our Miami immigration team is here to help you pursue your own American dream now and for the future.

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