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ICE Using Coercive Techniques to Deport Cuban Detainees

Cuban Detainees

Cuban detainees in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have reportedly been coerced or even tricked into agreeing to return to Cuba. ICE officials have misled some detainees into thinking that they would be released from custody to reunite with their family in the United States if they signed a form provided by ICE. In fact, the forms were designed to allow the immediate deportation of Cuban detainees to their home countries by coercing or tricking them into agreeing to return voluntarily. More than two dozen of the Cuban immigrants currently in detention centers in Louisiana and Georgia have reported coercion and, in some cases, physical abuse by ICE officials during efforts to force them to sign these forms.

Attempts to Expedite Deportations

These efforts to threaten, coerce or deceive Cuban detainees are the most recent attempts by ICE to expedite or force through deportations of immigrants in this country. Some immigrants signed the forms without understanding them because these individuals were not able to read the forms in English. Those who could read what the forms said and who refused to sign them were subjected to physical abuse in an attempt by ICE officials to force them to sign. While no deportations to Cuba are permitted by the island nation during the pandemic, ICE has been collecting the forms and is expected to use them to deport detainees when the restrictions on travel to Cuba are lifted.

Seeking Legal Representation

For those already being detained and immigrants who may be worried about their status and about adverse actions on the part of ICE, enlisting the help of a qualified and experienced Miami immigration lawyer can provide added help in dealing with these threats effectively. By choosing the right Miami immigration lawyer, you and your family can ensure the best outcomes and can protect your ability to live and work in the United States legally.

At Pozo Goldstein, we are committed to the highest standards of excellence in representing your case in the Miami area. Our team of immigration experts includes a former judge and two former prosecutors in the immigration field, which allows us to provide you with the best and most practical support for your case. Give our team a call today at 305-856-0400 to schedule an initial consultation with our team. We are here to help you protect your own version of the American dream.

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