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Immigration Attorney Miami on Miami Immigration Judges

Miami is a city with a rich immigrant community

So much so that the character and personality of the city are defined by the influence of outsiders. Latin immigration is obviously huge, but local immigrant populations from other parts of the world are large and growing.

Unless you are an immigration attorney Miami, it is easy to have misconceptions about Miami immigration judges. You might assume since Miami is something of an immigrant haven that these judges are very lenient. You might also assume that since they deal with so many immigrants, they are less likely to grant special treatment or light penalties.

As a longtime immigration attorney Miami, I have spent a lot of time working with the local immigration judges. And while I have a lot of opinions about what these judges strengths and weaknesses are, I am just one observer. It would be a mistake to apply my opinions, or the opinions of any single immigration attorney Miami, to the entire court.

Published Study Conducted by Syracuse University

Luckily, we are not the only one wondering about this issue. A recently published study conducted by Syracuse University reveals that Miami is one of the most lenient cities in the country when it comes to deportation orders. The city ranks in the top five for municipalities that allow immigrants to stay despite an explicit deportation order from the Department of Homeland Security.

Those numbers are not shocking to an immigration attorney Miami.

But they do require some context and clarification. Just because Miami has a lenient judiciary does not mean that immigration laws are not enforced. There are still large numbers of people that get deported out of Miami. And much more get wrapped up in the immigration courts for one reason or another.

This is important to understand so that you do not become complacent.

Anytime your right to stay in the country is challenged, you need to take action. The first step is to work with an immigration attorney Miami who can help you make the most of the laws and the courts. If you ever need assistance, contact Pozo Goldstein Attorneys at Law by calling 305-547-8831.