According to the U.S. Citizenship an Immigration Services (USCIS), 10,000 “U” Nonimmigrant Vistas for victims of criminal activity were approved for the fifth fiscal year in a row. This is the statutory maximum number of U visas that can be approved.
U Visas were developed to help law enforcement prosecute cases than involve human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault, while providing protection for victims of these crimes.
According to a press release from the USCIS, it will continue to review pending applications even though it reached the maximum number of approved applications, and applicants may be placed on a waiting list to enter the country under U Nonimmigrant Visa status once the USCIS beings accepting applications again.
The USCIS will begin issuing U Visas again in October of 2014.
Who can petition for nonimmigrant status?
If you are the victim of a qualifying criminal offense, you may be able to obtain nonimmigrant status in the United States through a U Visa. Victims of domestic violence, prostitution, false imprisonment, blackmail, kidnapping, abduction, etc. may seek a U visa.
In order to obtain a visa, you must possess information about the criminal activity and suffered substantial metal / physical abuse.
The Pozo Goldstein, LLP, our immigration team can help you file a petition. We are experienced in many immigration-related practice areas and want to help you understand your legal rights. To see what our attorneys can do for your case, call our office and ask about a free, in-house consultation.