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Miami Immigration

Miami Immigration

Immigration to the United States

There are many reasons why an individual may want to come to the United States, whether it is for business, work and pleasure or for permanent residency. If you are seeking to come to the United States for any reason, then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a Miami immigration attorney from Pozo Goldstein, LLP. Our firm focuses heavily on deportation and removal defense, if you are already in the United States and you face deportation or removal, then you will benefit from the aid of our legal team. Our firm handles many areas of immigration, if you are seeking legal assistance, our firm can help you in all of the following ways:


There are several ways to go about establishing citizenship, some can be long and difficult, but it is important that you take the necessary steps in order to maximize your chances of success. This process can be long and difficult without the proper legal assistance. Read more about citizenship…

Green Cards

A green card is a document that establishes permanent residency in the United States and is a necessary step if you are hoping to establish citizenship in the future. A green card can be revoked if you do not maintain good driving and criminal records. Read more about green cards…

Immigrant Visas

An immigrant visa is one that helps to establish permanent residency. It allows an individual to come to the United States for the purpose of establishing residency and possibly citizenship in the future. Read more about immigrant visas…

Non-Immigrant Visas

A non-immigrant visa is a visa that allows an individual to come to the United States for a temporary period of time for many different reasons. If you are seeking to visit, or if you have business to conduct, then you may seek a non-immigrant visa of some sort. Read more about non-immigrant visas…

Detained by ICE

If your residency eligibility is being investigated then you are probably being held by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If this is the case there are options available to you. Read more about detained by ICE…

Deportation/Removal Defense

There are many ways for an individual to face deportation and removal from the United States, an expired visa, an incurrence of a criminal record and many more. You will greatly benefit from a deportation defense attorney if this is your case. Read more about deportation defense…

Cancellation of Removal

If you have been placed in removal proceedings due to an expired visa or many other reasons then you may be under a lot of stress. Our firm handles cases that involve cancellation of removal, which is the action of ending the removal process and keeping you in the U.S. Read more about cancellation of removal…

Waivers of Inadmissibility

There are many ways for an individual to be deemed inadmissible to the United States. If you have been deemed inadmissible then there is the option of an application for a waiver of inadmissibility, but there are requirements that you must meet in order to be eligible. Read more about waivers of inadmissibility…

Motions to Reopen

If you have already gone through some of the immigration process but you have been denied, then your immigration case may have been closed. If this is your case, then you may have the option to have your case reopened through a motion to reopen. Read more about motions to reopen…

Board of Immigration Appeals

If you are unsatisfied with a court’s decision regarding your immigration case then you may be able to appeal the court’s decision if an appeal is warranted in your case. The appeal will go before the board of immigration appeals who will review your appeal. Read more about board of immigration appeals…

For Employers

If you are an employer, there are many things you should be aware of if you are seeking to hire an immigrant or individual on a visa. There are very serious legal repercussions for inaccuracies and mistakes in this documentation. Read more about for employers…

Employment Visas

An employment visa is one of many different kinds of visa, it will allow you to work full-time in the United States if you desire. A work visa will allow permanent employment in the United States if you so desire. Read more about employment visas…

Work Visas

A work visa is a temporary visa that allows an individual to be employed for a duration of time. This visa can last longer than a business visa but is sometimes more difficult to obtain. Read more about work visas…

For Individuals

If you are seeking to obtain a visa for any reason, it is important that you understand what documentation and other requirements are necessary to be accepted. Depending on your desires, there are many visas that may be available to you. Read more about for individuals…


There are several ways to establish citizenship in the United States, one of these ways is through the process of Naturalization. Some requirements include residency for at least five years while obeying and upholding the country’s laws. Read more about naturalization…

Permanent Residence Visas

A permanent residence visa is another name for a green card. It allows an individual to live and work in the United States for up to 10 years and is renewable thereafter as long as clean records are maintained. Read more about permanent residence visas…

Business Immigration

If you are an employer seeking to hire an employee from another country, then you may want to speak to a legal representative about the issues of business immigration. This can be a difficult process on your own. Read more about business immigration…

Investment Visas

If there is a business opportunity that you wish to capitalize on that will take little time in the United States then you may want an investment visa. Due to the short period of time it takes to conduct this business, and the generally small window of opportunity, it is important for you to have access to a short term visa like this. Read more about investment visas…

Family Based Visas

If you have come to the United States for work or for another reason that causes you to stay for an extended period of time you may begin to miss your family. A family based visa is used for the purpose of short-term visits by family members of an individual considered a permanent resident of the United States. Read more about family based visas…

Fiancé Visas

If you are seeking to get married, but your fiancé is a resident of another country, there are options available to bring your fiancé to the United States for you to be married and establish citizenship. Read more about fiancé visas…

Marriage Visas

A marriage visa allows a couple to be married in a country that is not the country of origin for one of them, and for them to establish citizenship. If you are seeking to establish citizenship through marriage then a marriage visa may be appropriate for you. Read more about marriage visas…

Student Visas

If you are hoping to come to the United States for the purpose of education then a student visa may be appropriate for you. A student visa allows an individual to study at an approved school and even work part-time in some cases. Read more about student visas…

Crimes & Immigration

If you are residing in the United States it is vital for you to understand that your visa or residency may be revoked due to a criminal record. It is essential that you maintain clean records while in the U.S. in order to prevent deportation or removal. Read more about crimes and immigration…


Asylum is an option available to some individuals who are experiencing persecution in their country of origin due to race, religious beliefs, political association and many others. Read about asylum…

Atlanta Immigration and Deportation Defense Attorney

It is important that you have sound legal assistance on your side if you are seeking to obtain a visa or if you are facing an immigration issue such as deportation or removal. At Pozo Goldstein, LLP we have over 90 years of combined experience in nationality law. We have successfully handled numerous cases in the past and we will be able to help you in your case. This gives our legal team a great advantage when preparing a case that few other law firms can offer to their clients. Our firm will be able to answer any questions you may have, discuss your available options, counsel you as to the best legal action for you to take and provide you with persuasive representation and defense of your case in court if you choose to work with us.

Contact an Miami immigration attorney from Pozo Goldstein, LLP to discuss your immigration issue and how we can help you today.