With midterm elections just completed and some races still in dispute, the role of Cuban-Americans in determining the course of politics in Florida is on the rise. As Cuban-American children enter the voting pool, they are consistently voting along liberal lines. This represents a sharp contrast to the voting patterns exhibited by Cuban-Americans of the previous generation, who have been a reliable conservative resource for Republicans in recent years.
Recounts Indicative of Sharp Divisions
Extremely close margins in both the governor’s and U.S. Senate races in Florida have triggered mandatory recounts for these elections, which took place on November 6, 2018. This development highlights the divisions present in the Florida electorate and throughout the United States. One point of contention is the treatment of immigrants by federal agencies. The harsh policies put in place by the Trump administration have affected many families in Florida, including Cuban-Americans legally in the U.S. While the effects of these policies on the recent election are not yet clear, it is likely that immigration played at least some role in the results in Florida and other states with high immigrant populations.
Repudiation of Trump’s Policies
While the results of the midterm election are still being decided in some states, the reclaiming of the U.S. House of Representatives by the Democrats may indicate the influence of immigration issues on voters across the country. By putting his controversial policies front and center during the campaign season, President Donald Trump may have inadvertently led to Republican defeats that could have repercussions immediately and for the foreseeable future.
Seeking Help for Immigration Issues
For those who are currently facing problems with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), retaining the services of an experienced Miami immigration lawyer can ensure the best outcome for these issues. These dedicated professionals can provide you with expert representation and a clear understanding of the paperwork and procedures involved in your case. Your Miami immigration lawyer can be your best resource for resolving issues related to deportation and visas in our area.
If you need a qualified Miami immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide the most practical solutions for you and your family. Our Miami immigration law team is comprised of dedicated professionals that include a former judge and two former prosecutors for immigration cases, allowing us to provide you with the most effective representation for your case. Call us today at 305-856-0400 to schedule a consultation in our office. We look forward to helping you pursue your own American dream.