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Senator Rubio’s Opinion on “Hot” Topics in the Presidential Race


Florida Congressman Marco Rubio spoke on Fox News about the immigration and foreign policy comments made by Republican presidential candidates and also answered questions about a potential vice presidential run. Rubio acknowledged the debate in the GOP going on over America’s foreign policy. “We are the party of strong national defense, that understands the role of American in the World and how every aspect of our daily lives, especially our economic lives, are directly impacted by things that happen halfway around the world,” Rubio said. He added that we need “to examine all of our foreign aid, and make sure it makes sense,” adding that the “foreign aid we put out is a very small part of our overall budget.” Senator Rubio assured that he will not reconsider a vice presidential run. “I am focused on my job as a senator from Florida making sure Florida’s voice is heard,” he said. When asked if conservatives should stop talking about immigration, Rubio responded, “Jobs and the economy is the No. 1 issue, we should be focused on that-it should be 90% of our focus right now in terms of domestic policy.” Rubio said Latinos have been hurt “very badly by the president’s economic policies and we need to make that case.” With specific regards to immigration Rubio said legal and illegal immigration remains a problem that needs to be confronted, adding that the Republican Party “should be the pro-legal immigration party,” claiming that it is time for Republican candidates to start talking about “what we are for” and about “how we modernize our legal immigration system.” His strikingly moderate stance on immigration is relieving although we cannot help but notice that it is in stark contrast to the position held by many within his Party. Could it be that he is well positioning himself for a future bid for office? It would be surprising if he was not doing just that. Until then, we hope that he manages to sway his Party’s opinion and tame their currently anti-immigrant rhetoric.

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