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Florida Immigration Attorney on Presidential Immigration Actions

The president has the authority to make sweeping decisions regarding immigration. Since the president occupies the executive branch of government, these decisions can come unexpectedly and disrupt policies without going through the traditional bureaucratic process. As a long-time Florida immigration attorney, I have seen the kind of effects that presidential actions can have on the lives of people with uncertain citizenship status first hand. Here are some examples from modern presidential history:

  • President Barack Obama – Young adults brought into the country illegally could apply for temporary deportation relief. This affected an estimated 1,500,000 people.
  • President Bill Clinton – Deportation of Haitian refugees was suspended, an executive action that affected 20,000-40,000 people. President Clinton also moved to protect 200,000 Salvadoran refugees from deportation early in his administration.
  • President George H.W. Bush – New rights were granted to the spouses and children of people legalized as part of an earlier immigration reform effort, a move that impacted around 100,000 people. President Bush also allowed 80,000 Chinese nationals to stay after the events of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
  • President Ronald Reagan – The minor children of 100,000 people already granted citizenship status were also protected from deportation. President Reagan earlier granted immunity from deportation to 200,000 refugees from Nicaragua.
  • President Jimmy Carter – Approximately 150,000 refugees from Haiti and Cuba who arrived in the Mariel boatlift were allowed to stay. This way a particularly busy time for every Florida immigration attorney.
  • President Gerald Ford – Vietnamese nationals with ties to the U.S. government were resettled in the spring of 1975. Around 360,000 people came to the country as a result of that action.
  • President John F. Kennedy – A formal program to work with Cuban refugees was established and has gone on to impact an estimated 1,000,000 people.

 Contact Florida immigration attorney Pozo Goldstein Attorneys at Law

Immigration actions can happen suddenly and sweep a lot of people up at once. When circumstances suddenly change, you will want to have a Florida immigration attorney working for you. An expert Florida immigration attorney can help you make sense of the law and pursue your best interests. If you need a Florida immigration attorney for any reason, contact Pozo Goldstein Attorneys at Law by calling 305-547-8831.