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Deportation of Criminals Down Under Trump

Despite some fairly intense rhetoric about the need to close U.S. borders and prevent illegal immigration, President Donald Trump’s administration has actually deported fewer immigrants during the first six months of his presidency than former President Barack Obama did during a comparable six-month period. According to an article published in the Washington Post, immigration officials deported just under 10,000 criminals in the month of January 2017. By June 2017, that number had fallen to approximately 9,600. Deportations of criminals between January and June 2017 were down more than 9,000 from the same period in 2016.

Roughly 42 Percent of Deported Immigrants Have No Criminal Records

Both under the Obama administration and currently under Trump, the percentage of deportees who have no criminal record has remained relatively steady at 42 percent. During his campaign, Trump promised to deport two to three million criminals as a first move toward resolving the immigration crisis. Experts do not expect that these goals will be met in the near future, as only about 105,000 people total had been deported by the end of June 2017.

Fewer Immigrants Mean Fewer Deportations

According to the former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, one reason for the decline in deportations is a decrease in the number of immigrants caught illegally crossing the border into the U.S. Additionally, more of those being arrested and detained for deportation have not committed any known crimes. This actually serves to reduce the ability of the immigration courts to process prompt deportations for criminals in the country illegally.

Many Ordered to Leave in Absentia

Many of those officially deported by the immigration courts are not in federal custody and are sentenced to leave the country in absentia because immigration authorities have no idea of their current whereabouts. This can create a situation in which immigrants may not have any idea that they have been deported but could be subject to arrest and immediate removal from the country despite this.

Working with an experienced Miami deportation attorney can provide real help for those dealing with potential deportation. If you need the assistance of a qualified Miami deportation lawyer, call the offices of Pozo Goldstein today at 305-856-0400 to discuss your case with one of our experienced legal team. We can help you understand your rights to ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your entire family in the U.S. legal system.

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