Eighth-grade students at the Donna Klein School in Boca Raton experienced a unique learning opportunity when Mrs. Frieda Goldstein, mother of eighth-grader Jacob Goldstein and a Miami immigration attorney, met with the class as enrichment to their study of their Humanities Immigration Unit.
Mrs. Goldstein addressed such topics as the early waves of immigration to the United States, the naturalization process, immigration and marriage frauds, Cuban immigration to our country (including a discussion of the Elian Gonzalez case), undocumented aliens and our southern border, etc.
“It was interesting and exciting. I enjoyed learning about the process to become a U.S. citizen. Now I know how my dad became a citizen,” enthused student Kyle Kashuv.
Thank you, Mrs. Goldstein, for taking time out of your busy schedule to help our students learn more about such a topical issue!
–Lynn Goldman