It appears as though the much anticipated unilateral action by President Obama regarding immigration may be much wider than contemplated. Members of the administration have been meeting with business leaders and groups to get an idea of the changes needed for business and employment visas.
Some of the suggestions are: exempt spouses and dependent green card holders from the cap on employment-based immigrant visas; extend to spouse of H1Bholders permission to work; expand the H-2A visa program for temporary farm workers. Administration people have met with companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, Intel, and more.
The President realizes that unilateral action in deportation cases are much more controversial than reform in the business visa field. For that reason, look for business visa changes before changes in enforcement.
Still, the President may decide to extend DACA type Deferred Action to the parents of DACA children and parents of United States citizen children so they do not have to live in fear of deportation and family separation.