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Florida Legislature Considering In-State Tuition of Undocumented

It is NOT the DREAM Act, but it is a step in the right direction. Florida is considering allowing in-state tuition to colleges and universities for undocumented students who wish to attend. The tuition exemption would apply to undocumented students who attended a Florida high school for at least three years, graduated from a Florida high school and register at a public college or university. The students would have to file an affidavit with the institution saying they intend to legalize their immigration status when they are eligible to do so.

We lose so much in assets when bright young people simply cannot afford to attend college and cannot obtain financial aid due to their undocumented status. Most were brought to this country when they were very young. Let us hope that Florida does the right thing and passes this law. The bill is being introduced by State Representative Dwight Bullard.

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