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Haitian Activists Appeal to Bahamian Leaders to Suspend Immigration Enforcement

Immigration Enforcement

In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and its devastating effects on the Bahamas, Haitian activists have called for the Bahamian government to suspend enforcement of immigration regulations to allow undocumented individuals the time and services needed to help them recover from the damage and possible injuries they sustained during the storm. Among the groups represented in the appeal to the Bahamian leadership were the Community Justice Project, the Family Action Network Movement, the Miami Workers Center, the Florida Immigrant Coalition, the Miami Climate Alliance and the South Florida Labor Community Alliance.

Many Immigrants Afraid to Seek Help

Haitian immigrants in the Bahamas have expressed concern that they will be detained or deported if they seek help for themselves or their family members after Hurricane Dorian. This has led to a dangerous situation for these vulnerable individuals, who may be exploited or may not seek medical services in an effort to avoid immigration officials who may be waiting to take undocumented immigrants into custody. In some cases, this could lead to further injury or even death for those unwilling to risk deportation for themselves and their family.

Similar Issues in the U.S.

While the brunt of Hurricane Dorian missed our area, undocumented immigrants face similar issues with immigration authorities in the state of Florida and throughout the United States. Harsh new immigration policies and enforcement tactics endorsed by the Trump administration have made it much more difficult for undocumented individuals to get the help they need in an emergency. For these individuals, working with an experienced Miami immigration lawyer is often the right first step toward resolving visa issues and remaining in the U.S. legally.

The Benefits of Retaining a Miami Immigration Lawyer

Your attorney will represent you in all matters related to your immigration status. This will allow you to maintain a safe distance from most of the proceedings and will ensure that all paperwork and required documentation is submitted on time and in the correct manner. Your lawyer can help you to feel more confident and to resolve your immigration issues in the best way possible for you and your family.

If you need a qualified and knowledgeable Miami immigration lawyer, the team at Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the right representation for your specific set of needs. Our team includes two former prosecutors in the immigration field and a former judge, which provides us with the necessary expertise to manage your case effectively. Give us a call today at 305-856-0400 to schedule an initial consultation with our team. At Pozo Goldstein, we are committed to helping you achieve your own version of the American dream.

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