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Customs and Border Patrol Agents Patrolling Buses in Florida

Best immigration lawyer

Working with the Best Immigration Lawyer

In another demonstration of the hostile environment created by the Trump administration toward immigrants, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents have begun targeting transportation hubs and demanding documentation from those boarding or riding buses in the state of Florida. Those who cannot produce this documentation are often summarily apprehended and detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other federal agencies. Working with the best immigration lawyer possible can provide immigrants with a greater sense of security when facing these aggressive tactics by ICE and CPB.

All of Florida at Risk

According to federal regulations, CPB agents are authorized to conduct searches on board vehicles that are within a reasonable distance of the exterior boundaries of the United States. Because Florida is a peninsula, all of the state is within 100 air miles of the coastal borders of the U.S. This means that every part of the state of Florida falls under the reasonable distance provisions of federal immigration law governing CPB searches and detentions. Consulting with a Miami immigration lawyer is often the best and most proactive way to prevent serious issues with ICE or the CPB.

Hiring the Best Immigration Lawyer

Failure to present papers to the CPB or ICE upon request could lead to detention by these agencies. This can occur even for immigrants who are already working with a Miami immigration lawyer to acquire a green card and for those legally entitled to remain in the United States. Ensuring that you have the best immigration lawyer to resolve these issues will help you and your family to avoid legal entanglements with CPB and ICE and to resolve these issues quickly should they arise.

The immigration attorneys at Pozo Goldstein will work with you and your family to determine the best options for visa applications, citizenship processes and detention and deportation proceedings in our area. Our team includes a former judge and two former prosecutors in the immigration field, which ensures that you receive the best and most practical guidance for your case. Call our team today at 305-856-0400 to schedule your family’s consultation with us. We are here to help you achieve your own American dream.

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