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Immigration Ruling May Offer New Hope for Cuban Immigrants

Green Cards for Cubans

A recent ruling by Judge Timothy M. Cole of the Miami Immigration Court could allow more green cards for Cubans who arrive in Florida in search of a better life. Judge Cole ruled on January 4, 2021, that immigrants who have been released from detention by officials of the Department of Homeland Security without a deportation order have been legally paroled and can apply for a green card. This ruling is expected to provide added help for the Cuban immigrants whose cases were under review. If the Board of Immigration Appeals upholds Cole’s decision, however, it could allow greater access to green cards for Cubans who come to the United States seeking a new life in this country.

A Hopeful Sign for Cuban Immigrants

“Wet foot, dry foot” was an immigration policy that went into effect in 1995 and that applied to Cuban refugees who arrived in the United States seeking asylum. In short, the policy allowed immigrants who reached the shores of the United States and set foot on dry land to pursue permanent residency after a year in the country. Those who did not make landfall, however, were to be returned to Cuba. The policy was repealed in January 2017 in response to continued attempts to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba. The recent ruling could provide a pathway to permanent residency and green cards for Cubans who come to the United States without the proper documentation.

Legal Help for Cuban Immigrants

For many of those arriving in Florida from Cuba and elsewhere, enlisting the help of a Miami green card lawyer is essential to protect their rights and to ensure the best options for visas and permanent residency. Your Miami immigration lawyer will work with you to determine the facts of your case and to provide you with practical help in obtaining green cards, establishing permanent residency and taking on immigration authorities to prevent deportation or detention for you or your loved ones. This can provide you with greater peace of mind during your immigration journey.

If you need the assistance of a qualified and experienced Miami green card lawyer, Pozo Goldstein offers the legal representation you need to pursue your dreams of living and working in the United States. With a former judge and two former immigration prosecutors as part of our team, we can provide you with accurate and effective guidance on a wide range of immigration issues. To schedule an initial consultation with our team, give Pozo Goldstein a call today at 305-856-0400. We look forward to helping you protect your own American dream.

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