While contemplating a possible run for president by touring the country, Sarah Palin spent some time in New York and New Jersey signing autographs last week and expressed her thoughts on immigration. While on Ellis Island, which is best known as the port of entry through which twelve million immigrants entered the U.S. from 1892 to 1924, Mrs. Palin had the following to remark, “It’s one of the symbols, of course, of our liberty, and it’s a reminder too that immigrants built this country.” Yet this seemingly lukewarm comment is in stark contrast to some of her political opinions, thus raising the question of whether it was just given for crowd-pleasing and political posturing purposes. The possible 2012 presidential contender has said she supports the Arizona law that would allow police to ask people to show proof that they are in the country legally. She has also said that she does not support any type of amnesty or even the DREAM Act legislation that is meant to help young undocumented individuals. When asked specifically of it, she said, “the DREAM Act, well see, the immigrants of the past, they had to literally and figuratively stand in line to become U.S. citizens. I’d like to see that continue, and unfortunately the DREAM Act kind of usurps that, the system.” With such a politically incorrect comment like this, even though she claims to have not decided yet, it is our hope that such a shortsighted person will hold herself from running for president. Regardless, we would not expect her to be a strong contender, especially since she would probably be the least favored candidate among the immigrant constituency and its sympathizers.