Our Client, a lawful permanent resident since 1991 was detained and placed in deportation proceedings based on a 2 felony convictions. We represented him in deportation proceedings and he was granted cancellation of removal and he was released. We then applied for naturalization and he was approved and will be sworn in later this month...Read More
Our client asked the United States for protection as he feared returning to Honduras on account of his sexual orientation. The Immigration Judge denied the application and ordered that our client be deported. We appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals and they agreed with our position. The Board of Immigration Appeals remanded the case...Read More
Our client is a Cuban National who was placed in removal proceedings due to a conviction for possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance (drugs). Because of this conviction, our client did not qualify for political asylum. Although he was issued a parole when he entered the United States in 1980, his parole was...Read More
Our client is a Guatemalan National who was abused by her ex-husband in her native country. Her ex-husband continually made threats including threatening her with death. After applying for political asylum, we were given an interview at the Miami Asylum Unit. The political asylum was granted for our client and her minor child.Read More
Venezuelan National with an approved I-130 was required to adjust status in Immigration Court due to a previous marriage to a Cuban National that was not approved. After a lengthy hearing in Immigration Court, the Immigration Judge granted our client adjustment of status to LPR.Read More
Our client is from Peru and a resident of New York City. He was placed in removal proceedings due to a single possession of cocaine charge. He was detained at the Willacy Detention Center in Harlingen, Texas. Although our client’s past consisted of a DUI and some minor offenses, the Immigration Judge granted Cancellation of...Read More
Brazilian National here in the United States for over 10 years. She has a daughter who is disabled and needs constant medical care. We presented her case before an Immigration Judge in Miami, Florida. After presenting the case, the Immigration Judge granted her application and she is now a lawful permanent resident of the United...Read More
Client is a lawful permanent resident since 1989. He was arrested for Grand Theft, Possession of Cocaine twice, and DUI three times. He was picked up by ICE at his place of employment and confined to the Krome Service Processing Center. On his behalf, we applied for Cancellation of Removal. After a lengthy trial, the...Read More
Nicaraguan national who was ordered deported in 1995 and now married to a United States citizen. Our client was arrested by ICE. We were able to reopen his case with concurrence from the Office of Chief Counsel and he was subsequently awarded an immigration bond. He appeared before the Immigration Judge in Miami and, after...Read More
Our client was detained at Krome Detention Center and facing deportation. He was also the victim of a violent crime during which he received gunshot wounds. We filed for a “U” Visa which is set aside for victims in the United States of violent crimes committed against them by United States citizens or Lawful Permanent...Read More