Miami Immigration Attorney Overview
Where ever you are in the country, the immigration laws are the same. The laws governing immigration are Federal, not state laws. However, there are some situations in Miami that are different than anywhere else in the country.
Cuba is only 90 miles from Key West, FL. It is a country whose unique immigration status with the US is different than any other nation. As a Miami immigration attorney, we are well versed in the ‘wet foot dry foot’ policy.’ The policy provides a fast track to residency for any Cuban who comes here by water and makes it to the shore. They are accorded the right to stay and pursue residency. If they are intercepted at sea, however, they are sent back to Cuba unless they can provide proof that they are vulnerable to persecution if sent back to Cuba.
Miami and the Caribbean
The immigration of peoples from the Caribbean to Florida and the general Miami area comprises about 10% of the nation’s total immigration. As a Miami immigration attorney, I can tell you that we see people immigrating not just from Cuba, but also the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago. Each country presents their unique immigration issues, ranging from economic levels to language abilities.
Miami and Latin America
Miami is the primary point of entry for not only the Caribbean but also for Central and South America as well. Any Miami immigration attorney will tell you that each case is as unique as the individuals emigrating from these countries. Some countries, like Venezuela, are seeing peoples immigrating to the US to flee political persecution and the actual numbers of these applicants have skyrocketed. The wait time for their applications is also exceeding the two-year mark!
Unique Immigration Cases
As a Miami immigration attorney, I can tell you that every case is unique, whether it originates in Florida or anywhere else in the country. There is no “cookie-cutter” way to handle immigration. Every individual case must be analyzed and the best solution applied to ensure that the applicant receives the result that they are seeking. Contact our offices today for your consultation and ensure that you will get the results that you and your family deserve.