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Romney Anti-DREAM Act

romney1Mitt Romney, who is considered the favorite and frontrunner in the bid for the Republican presidential ticket, has made it clear that he is an opponent of the DREAM Act and said he would veto it if it came across his desk as president. The question was posed by a voter at a restaurant and it was the first time Romney had been asked directly if he would veto the act and he responded that the “answer is yes.” Romney said he is open to military service as a way for people to earn permanent residency, as it currently is a way for people to earn citizenship. “I am delighted with the idea that people who come to this country and wish to serve in the military can be given a path to become permanent residents in this country. Those who serve in our military and fulfill those requirements, I respect and acknowledge that path,” he said. However, he does not support a path to citizenship through education. As you may already be fully aware given our lengthy commitment to bringing you news on said legislation, the DREAM Act would allow children brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to earn citizenship by taking a number of steps that include completing college or serving two years in the military. For over a decade, the bill has been considered several times by Congress but has never been passed by both houses, a requirement that has prevented it from becoming implemented nationwide. This, of course, is a shame since this bill would help countless youths have access to higher education and would give them a chance to come out of the shadows they have been subjected to for being undocumented in this country while also creating a significant benefit to our country’s economy through extra taxable income and jobs being created, among other things. David Axelrod, President Obama’s top campaign adviser, commented on Romney’s stance on the issue and said that his remarks were unequivocally “wrong on principle and politics.” The Democratic National Committee’s senior adviser for Hispanic Affairs called Romney’s veto threat “appalling.” He said it removed any doubt that his “far-right views on immigration would make him the most extreme presidential nominee in recent memory.” After having seen that some Republicans were trying to reach across the aisle and leave their Party’s hard stance on immigration to adopt a more moderate one we are truly disappointed in Mr. Romney for choosing to alienate the immigrant community, illegal or otherwise, that reside in this country. If his heart is as stone cold as he portrayed it to be, it will be very unlikely that he will win the hearts of the immigrant community and least of all their vote in the upcoming presidential race.

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