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Deportation Defense
Our client, a native and citizen of England, was previously convicted in California for Transportation of Marijuana with Intent to Sell. As a result, he was detained by the immigration authorities and housed in the Krome Service Processing Center in Miami, Florida. The Immigration Judge heard arguments regarding his pending deportation and after a protracted...
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Our client, a native and citizen of Guatemala, entered the United States legally in 1998. Unfortunately, he is the subject of an Order of Deportation dating back to 1996 when he was not in the United States. Despite many attempts at Motions to Reopen, ou client’s case was denied. He is married to a United...
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Client was in removal proceedings and applied for Political Asylum from Albania. Client testified before the Immigration Judge and was granted political asylum and, as a result, does not have to return to danger in Albania. Client will be eligible for a green card in one year.
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Our client, a native and citizen of Argentina married a United States citizen and was granted permanent resident status. Before removal of conditions, he and his wife were divorced. He filed on his own to remove the conditions and was denied by USCIS. In removal proceedings, we applied to the Immigration Judge in Miami to...
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Our client, a native and citizen of Venezuela, was facing deportation due to convictions for aggravated assault and felony battery and marijuana possession. Although our client’s criminal history was an issue, we presented a complete package showing that our client has significant family ties in the United States and that our client suffered from a...
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Our client, a native and citizen of Ecuador, was detained by ICE due to driving without a license. He entered the United States more than 10 years ago. He was involved in a few arrests that did not result in convictions. His mother, who is a lawful permanent resident, is an older woman who suffers...
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Our client, a native and citizen of Haiti is a green card holder based on refugee status. He applied for citizenship but was placed in removal proceedings before a Miami Immigration Judge because he was convicted four times for grand theft. These convictions were the result of insuffcient funds in his checking account but, nevertheless,...
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Our client, a native and citizen of Guatemala, was placed in removal proceedings and detained at the Krome Detention Center in Miami, Florida due to two convictions for marijuana possession and a conviction for resisting arrest. Our client came to the United States at the age of 8 months and has resided here ever since....
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Our client, a native and citizen of Pakistan, was accused of fraudulent misrepresentation before an Immigration Judge in Miami. When he retained our firm, he had appealed his case to the Board of Immigration Appeals and to the 11th Circuit Federal Appeals Court and was denied at each level. Since his denial, he and his...
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Our client, a native and citizen of the Bahamas was placed in removal proceedings before the Miami Immigration Court. She has been present in the United States for over ten years. She and her husband are the parents of twin daughters born prematurely weighing only 3 pounds each. As a result of their situation, the...
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